How Many Types of AC Sensors Are There?


The purpose of air conditioners is to keep a building cool and dry. Temperature sensors in HVAC systems help ensure accurate output while reducing wear and tear. Sensors are just one of many essential parts of an HVAC system. Sensors check the system's performance and accuracy to ensure its users' health, safety, comfort, and productivity. 

Maintenance and air conditioning repair in Gladstone, may be all that is required if everything is running smoothly. 

However, when a sensor fails, problems begin to occur. Humidity and air quality control can be affected by faulty or out-of-calibration sensor components. Sensors keep equipment working safely, enhance energy efficiency, and protect human health.

What Are AC Sensors


As part of a room's air conditioning system, sensors monitor the temperature. To keep the temperature in your home consistent, these components are essential. Therefore, if a sensor isn't working properly, it won't be able to determine the inversion of your area accurately.

The AC sensor on your thermostat is placed near the evaporator coils. The sensor and coils are near the return vents. The sensor reads the temperature and compares it to the thermostat's setting. The sensor activates the compressor if the air is too warm. Your system blows cool air here. The compressor will stop off if the air passing the sensor is cooler than your thermostat setting.

Different Types Of AC Sensors

You can save time and money by learning about the different types of sensors you have. The following is a list of the sensors that can be found in an air conditioner.

  • Temperature Sensor: The temperature sensor constantly checks the indoor air conditioning temperature. Airflow and air quality can also be measured using the sensors' data. Because of the use of temperature sensors, the system does not have to work as hard as the building.

  • Indoor Air Quality Sensor: IAQ sensors are gaining popularity. Increasing ventilation, filtration, and air cleansing improve occupant safety, comfort, and productivity. The simple IAQ sensor monitors air carbon levels. Low carbon levels indicate poor air circulation, increasing the likelihood of additional contaminants.

  • Occupancy Sensor: Occupancy sensors detect the presence of a person in a room. When used with zoned HVAC, occupancy sensors can help your customers save money and the environment. Sensors that detect movement and light in a space can help you save money on your energy bill.

  • Pressure Sensor: Pressure sensors check rooms and filters for pressure decreases that indicate system maintenance. It monitors pressure and optimizes airflow, heating, and cooling. Pressure sensors measure high and low pressures in air and water for precise pressure, differential pressure, and velocity monitoring.

  • Humidity Sensor: Humidity control is essential for tenant comfort, safety, building infrastructure, production operations, stored commodities, and museum artwork. Humidity sensors are adaptable and affordable. Humidity control usually involves adding clean steam to the airstream.

Hire A Professional To Know More

It can be tricky to understand which type of AC sensor is useful for your house. Barker Heating and Cooling is always just a phone call away with our emergency ac service in Liberty. We are the most reliable Air Conditioning Company in Gladstone and ensure that your systems run smoothly. Call us at (816) 452-2665.


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